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Isiabhayafont: A Sinhala and Latin Font Family

Isiabhayafont is a free and open source font family that supports both Sinhala and Latin scripts. It is based on the most widely used Sinhala typeface FM Abhaya, which was designed in 1996 as an interpretation of the Sinhala letterpress typefaces from 1960s. The name Abhaya is derived from the King Abhaya (474 BCE to 454 BCE) who reigned Sri Lanka from the ancient kingdom of Upatissa Nuwara.

Isiabhayafont was created by Mooniak, a small type foundry based in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in collaboration with Pushpananda Ekanayake, the original designer of FM Abhaya. The Latin part was designed by Sol Matas, a type designer from Argentina. The project was funded by Google Fonts in 2015 and is available under the SIL Open Font License (OFL).

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Isiabhayafont is a unicode compliant, complete libre version of FM Abhaya that includes Sinhala and Latin support. It has five weights: regular, medium, semibold, bold and extrabold. Each weight contains 925 glyphs that enable clean and precise rendering for Sinhala, Pali and Sanskrit texts. Compact Da forms can be enabled by using stylistic sets. The Latin characters match the aesthetics of the Sinhala characters, which have an eminent contrast between distinctive strokes that go from thick to thin. The ductus references according to the lines of a Didone typeface add a touch of Sinhala form to certain terminations. Large counters have been added along with small ascenders and descenders for optimized screen viewing.

Isiabhayafont can be used for various purposes such as web design, print media, signage, branding, etc. It can create sophisticated typographic layouts by using lighter weights for body text and heavier weights for headlines and subheadings. It can also be combined with other Latin fonts to create multilingual designs. Isiabhayafont is compatible with most browsers and operating systems and can be easily installed and customized.

Isiabhayafont is a font family that respects the history and culture of Sinhala language while adapting to the modern needs and technologies. It is a font family that celebrates the diversity and beauty of scripts and languages. It is a font family that is free and open for everyone to use and enjoy.


  • : Abhaya Libre - Google Fonts

  • : Abhaya Libre Font Family 1001 Fonts

  • : ISI Font Converter


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